


Frantoio Malavalle aims at the continuous improvement of the quality of its products, goals which are periodically revised based on achievements through directorial tests to verify they are still eligible. We work with attention, professionality, care and passion to guarantee the quality of our products.

Consorzio dell'Olio Toscano

The Consortium guarantees each bottle with its signature, by verifying the whole production process, rigorously taking place in Tuscany, from the plant to the packaging.

IGP Certification

It guarantees that the company either produces, transforms or processes in the belonging geographical area. Production process must be compliant with a product specification.

European organic certification

It guarantees the conformity of production obtained through organic method during all the phases of the production process, from the field to the table, complying with European Union regulations (Reg. CE 834/07 and CE 889/08).

USDA Organic Certification

Based on Reg CE 834/2007, it certifies that the products can be sold in the USA thanks to the equivalence agreement negotiated between Europe and United States of America.

Kosher Certification

It identifies and certifies products accepted by the Jewish community. It checks every production phase and puts its mark only on processes and companies with excellent quality standards, in respect for Jeweish tradition.

BRC Certification

Certification on food safety, legality and quality of branded products, which guarantees a systematic control of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, production environments and resources involved in all production processes.

IFS Certification

Certification in response to food requirements, quality management, traceability, respect for the environment and efficient supplier selection who comply with the regulations and guarantee safe products, which meet contractual specifications and legal requirements.

AEO Certification

AEO certificate is a “status”, a certified condition of the supplier, of its reliability related to customs authorities and strict respect of customs regulations and product safety.